Monday, July 8, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/8/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see some of the wrestlers arrive.

CM Punk comes out. Punk says he wants to congratulate John Cena on his retirement. He says he'd like to lace the boots up with him one more time before he leaves. Punk says he is here but Drew McIntyre isn't. He said Drew got himself suspended and we see Drew at the MITB Post-Show. He pushes refs. Adam Pearce grabs him and Drew back elbows him. Adam pushes him and Wade Barrett gets between them.

He says he's been trying to teach Drew that there are consequences for your actions. He says when you bring the fight to Punk, Punk brings the fight back to you. He runs down Drew's history over the last few months and says he blew it in his hometown. He said Drew promised to win MITB and become champ. He said he made a promise too and that was that he would never be champ again. He said he wants to get his hands on Drew but Drew is suspended. He said he got fined $25k and said it was money well spent. He said Drew got suspended and fined worse. He says he wants to ask Adam or Jack Tunney to lift Drew's suspension.

Punk says he will beat up Drew wherever and asks Adam to come down. Seth Rollins comes down instead. Punk sits down at the commentary table and brings up Cole calling him "Phil" at MITB. Punk says Seth entrance takes too long.

Seth asks him to come in unless he is afraid he will kick his @ss. Punk tells him to watch what he says. Seth asks Punk why he stuck his nose in his business with the World Title. Punk says he didn't do that, he was handling his own business. He says it's personal with him and thought he would understand being a husband and daddy. He says there's a man wearing his wife's name and dog's name on a bracelet.

Punk says he is sorry and didn't mean to screw anything up. Seth says he's lying and says he's the dumbest smart dude ever.

He said he'd be champ if it wasn't for Punk and said he's out of shots at the title. He said the title is maybe a pipe dream for Punk but it's the most important thing to him. He says Punk took from him and he wants to take from him. Seth says Punk doesn't care about the collateral damage. Seth said when Punk is cleared, he won't be able to say the name "Drew McIntyre" before he snaps his arm and puts him on the shelf. He says actions have consequences.

Thoughts: I'm not sure how much longer the Punk/Drew thing will go without them fighting but it seems lik this is a way to add more time to it. It was a good promo and made sense with Seth being made Punk messed up the title match.

Dominik Mysterio talks to Adam Pearce. He said he doesn't want to tag with Liv Morgan and Adam said Liv Morgan requested the match. Adam said he doesn't want the match but he stuck his nose in the last 3 women's title matches. He said he doesn't care if he's happy about it and says Happy Monday.

Liv Morgan comes up to Dom. She wants to make him feel better and Dom says let's make sure they win. Liv says let's take strategy and Dom says there better be some tendies or nuggies there.

Jey Uso vs Chad Gable

Chad's ribs are all taped up. Chad takes him down. Jey hits punches and Chad takes him down again. Chad hits crossface shots and is thrown over the top. Jey topes him, Chad catches him and belly to belly suplexes him on the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Jey hits punches and Chad dominators him. Chad does a top rope headbutt but doesn't jump far enough and barely hits him. Chad is thrown out then Jey topes him. Jey top rope crossbodies him.

Jey hits punches then spinning enzugiri's him. Jey hits a corner hip attack then is crotched up top. Chad ankle locks him. The lights go out signalling The Wyatt Sicks. Chad gets distracted and is speared. Jey get the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it could have been due to the shenanigans. This wasn't anything special.

The lights go out more and Jey runs away. Chad is on the mat and smoke fills the ring. Sarah Logan pops up at ringside in a mask. Chad runs away.  Pat is handed a box likely with another VHS in it.

Sheamus is interviewed in the back. He says it took him 15 years to understand the business. Bronson Reed comes in. He said he doesn't know why we are talking about that when it ended with him losing. Reed says they should be talking about him because he is the future. He says Sheamus is stuck in the past.

Sheamus calls him a crybaby. Sheamus says they should settle this like proper fellas. Reed says he will fight him anytime, just not tonight. He says he can witness what he does to his mate, Pete Dunne, first.

Bronson Reed vs Pete Dunne

Reed clubs him and Dunne climbs his back and armbars him. Dunne hits a flying forearm to the back of the neck then plancha's him. Dunne apron moonsaults onto him then 2nd rope moonsaults him.

We go to break and return. Reed hits a big lariat then misses a senton. Dunne hits kicks to the head then top rope double stomps Reed's arm. Dunne flying knees him for 2. Dunne stomps Reed's hand into the mat. Reed buckle bombs him then hits a sitout powerbomb for 2.

They go up top and Dunne is thrown onto the top rope. He bounces off and Reed splashes him off the top to win.

Thoughts: It was another short one that could have gone on longer. It was fine with Dunne using his usual joint manipulation moves and Reed using his size against him.

Sheamus comes down and he fights with Reed. Reed headbutts him then Sheamus pumping knees him. Dunne does a pumping knee and Reed is brogue kicked out. Sheamus hugs him and Dunne pushes him off. Dunne then walks away from him. 

Sami Zayn greets Braun and Awesome Truth in the back.

Seth Rollins talks to Judgment Day in the back. Seth says it better to be lucky than good. He says he was lucky at the PPV but also good. He said he kept his word and he won't come for the title as long as he got it. Seth said he needs to be better at Summerslam if he wants to keep the title. Priest said he still has things to prove. He tells him he will go to war with him if he wants a shot when he is done with Gunther. They shake hands on it.

Sami Zayn comes out. He says it's an honor to be in this ring representing Canada as a champ. He said Bron Breakker made a mistake thinking he was the underdog in their match. He says he's not an underdog, he's a champ.

Sami said he feels he earned a certain amount of respect in the ring and said Bron didn't earn the respect. He said it's one thing to knock him down and another to keep him down. Bron Breakker comes out.

Sami asks Bron what he's here for. He asks if he's looking for a fight or a rematch. Sami asks if he's here to say anything or will just stare at him all night. Bron said he was looking for someone to beat him and didn't think it would be Sami. He says there's no reason for him to get an IC Title rematch. He spears Sami then pounds on him. Refs and officials try to break it up.

Bron walks away and then runs at Sami and spears him. Bron is seperated again. Ilja Dragunov comes out and checks on Sami.

Sami Zayn is at medical. Ilja is there and says he wants Bron Breakker. Adam gives him Bron in a match tonight.

Braun Strowman and Awesome Truth vs Judgment Day (Finn Balor, Carlito and JD McDonaugh)

Truth and Miz get nailed as they enter. Braun then runs down as he enters to help them out. Braun sends Carlito into the rails. Miz and Truth hit stereo attitude adjustments. Miz hits a plancha outside.

Truth flying shoulders Carlito then blue thunders him. Truth hits an attitude adjustment on Carlito. Truth throws JD out. We go to PiP break and return. JD legdrops Miz and chinlocks him.

Finn hits shots on Miz in the corner then chinlocks him. Miz and Finn double clothesline each other. JD hits Truth and Braun on the apron. Braun threatens JD for it. Braun is tagged in. JD begs off. JD tries to flying shoulder him but is knocked over. Braun throws him.

Braun misses a corner splash. Braun chokeslams Finn for 2. Braun hits a double shoulder. Truth and Braun run around the ring and double shoulder opponents. Truth then rips his shirt off with Braun.

Braun chases JD through the crowd. Truth plays with the crowd then is shotgun dropkicked by surprise by Finn. Finn top rope double stomps Truth and wins.

Thoughts: It was entertaining but far from the best they could do. I swear someone loves to rib Braun by making him run around constantly. I thought they did a decent job at furthering these two feuds here. 

Adam Pearce and CM Punk talk in the back. Adam says Punk is half the problem and he's not medically cleared. Adam says Punk and Drew has to stop. He says he will schedule a meeting with Drew next week and will see if he will be professional at all. Adam says Punk can't be around next week though and says Punk's match with Drew is out the window if he attacks Drew again. Adam says to let him deal with Drew.

Liv Morgan talks to Dom in the back. She says she wants to work on double team moves with her. Liv says they need to get on the same page and says Dom needs to loosen up. Dom falls onto the sofa and Liv stretches his leg. Judgment Day walk in. Liv laughs and asks if Dom feels better. Priest says he wants to know what that was and says he should have been done with this. He says it's not that hard and Carlito says it looks pretty hard to him. Dom says he sounds like his dad and Priest says maybe his dad was right.

Finn asks what Priest wanted to tell him. Priest says he will keep it to himself and Dom will find out on his own.

We get another Wyatt Sicks video. Bo is asked to tell him more about his family. He said he took those no one wanted and gave them a purpose. He says they are so happy he remembered them. We see some of the faces behind the masks including Joe Gacy. Bo says we must set the captives free. Bo asks if Howdy thinks they are sick. He says, "yes I do". He says sick is what we'll be.

Chad Gable goes up to Adam Pearce. He says he has questions and asks if he saw the tape. Chad says The Wyatt's are talking about him. He says Adam is doing nothing about it. Adam says Chad should wonder why they are coming after him. Chad says he will take care of it his way but expects an apology after. He asks for a vacation after the month he had. Bo Dallas then appears in Adam's office.

Damage Ctrl does a promo. Kai says they have been treated with nothing but disrespect and are world class talents. She says that changes tonight and will show everyone what they are capable of. Sane says change brings destruction to WWE. Sane says they will clip Lyra's wings and dance over Katana and Kayden. Iyo says they have lost control and will take it back tonight.

Ilja Dragunov vs Bron Breakker

Bron release germans him then Ilja germans him. Bron running forearms him then pounds on him in the corner. Ilja hits chops and forearms. Bron does a gorilla press powerslam for 2.

We go to break and return. Ilja jumps up and is spinebustered down. Bron bow and arrow stretches him. Ilja hits headbutts. They trade shots and Ilja enzugiri's him. Ilja running knees him.

Ilja powerbombs him then hits a top rope senton. Bron flying knees him then gorilla press gutbusters him for 2. Ilja misses a coast to coast dropkick. Bron lariats him over the top rope. Bron runs at him outside and takes a flying kick. Ilja runs at him and Bron throws a desk chair at him. Ilja's leg is all cut up from it. Bron is DQ'd.

Bron stares on Ilja's face. Sami Zayn comes down with officials. Sami hits shots on Bron and lariats him over the top. Bron sends Sami into the post and throws him over the commentary table. Ilja hits forearms on Bron then Bron throws him over the commentary table.

What we got was good of Bron vs Ilja with high impact offense and nice shots. It's a shame it ended the way it did and it needed more time to truly be epic.  

Damien Priest talks about the title. He says his title says his name on the name plate. He said he didn't ask for Drew or Punk to get involved in his MITB match. He asks what champ hasn't had controversy or interference surrounding his title reign. He says he's the champ. He said he walked in and out as champ.

He says he looks forward to Gunther's challenge. He says the challenge isn't for Gunther, it's for himself. He says all Gunther has to do is show up to Raw if he wants him to say this to his face.

The Final Testament do a promo. Kross says Kofi Kingston will not be playing the accordian. He says legends hold the new blood back and says they are the true enemy of us all. He says the old guard will make way for the new and says even Cena realizes his time is up. He says he knows Woods hears him. He says he can create the ultimate legacy or go with Kofi. He says he will hospitalize Woods if he does. He says The New Day is dead and says Woods just doesn't realize it.

Thoughts: It's not the most complicated or greatest concept ever, but I do think this feud is interesting and is working much better than it should be.

Damage Ctrl (Iyo Sky, Kairi Sane and Dakota Kai) vs Lyra Valkyria, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

Lyra dances with Kayden. They all fight to start. Sane boots Carter in the corner. Sane jumps over her and tells her to kiss her backside. Carter hiptosses her and Kai. Chance slingshot swantons Kai.

Chance walks up her partners backs and double knees Kai in the corner. Lyra side headlocks Kai. Lyra goes up and over her, leg sweeps her and basement dropkicks her. Chance and Carter hit baseball slides. Lyra dropkicks Iyo through the ropes and we go to PiP break.

We return and Lyra is tagged in. Lyra lraits Iyo over then hits kicks. Lyra step up enzugiri's Iyo. Lyra doctor bombs Iyo for 2. The faces hit a triple suplex on Damage Ctrl as they are locked together. Sane taks a fisherman's buster then Chance keg stand splashes an opponent. Sane hits a top rope forearm on Lyra. Carter is pulled out then sent into the post. Sane is popped up and out of the ring onto opponents. Iyo top rope moonsaults Carter and wins.

Thoughts: It was a nice little trios match here with some nice tag teams moves and a fast pace. The two teams matched up pretty well together.

Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark attack Damage Ctrl after. Iyo takes an alley oop into a pumping knee. Sonya reverse ddt's Iyo.

Zelina Vega and Rey Mysterio are interviewed. Vega says she'd be women's champ if it wasn't for Dom. She says Liv and Dom are a hot mess and will be more of one when they are done. Rey says it's a pleasure to team with Vega and says they need to shut Dom and Liv up.

Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark are interviewed. We see Chad Gable talk to The Creeds and Ivy behind them. SB says they sent a message to the locker room about who runs this division. Zoey says they are done waiting and have been screwed twice. Sonya says she's been trying to help them see their full potential and be the killers they are meant to be. Sonya says this is just the start and says this is what happens when you think you run the division but don't. Sonya says they are here and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn walk in. They say as long as they have the titles, this is their division.

We get a Gunther video. He says his name brings power, dominance and prestige. He says he's the greatest and longest reigning IC champ of all time and soon will be the champ. He says he learned at a young age that all that matters in life is winning. He said WWE had no choice but to call his name. He said WWE needed him in NXT UK, he didn't need them. He said he embraced NXT UK as his battle ground and say children who were living their fantasies. He said that's where he realized he enjoyed making people miserable. He said he restored honor and prestige to this spot and says that's what's on the line at Summerslam.

Mixed Tag Match - Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio vs Rey Misterio and and Zelina Vega

Vega hits forearms on Liv. Vega spinning back elbows her then boots her. The men get in as this thankfully isn't intergender. Dom hits boots and punches on Rey. Dom misses a splash. Rey hits corner punches then throws Dom back. Rey lifts Vega for a hurricanrana on Dom which should be a DQ.

Liv hits shots on Vega. Vega corner spears her. Vega hits corner punches. Dom is dropkicked and goes face first into Liv's crotch. Liv laughs about it then Liv and Dom take a la silla and a meteora off the apron. 

We go to PiP break and return. Dom rips at Rey's mask. Dom hits crossface shots and boots him in tree of woe. Dom pounds on Rey. Dom chinlocks Rey. Dom michinoku drivers Rey for 2. Rey back elbows Dom. Rey headscissors Dom over the top to the floor.

Vega and Liv get in. Vega hits lariats then bangs her head off the buckles. Vega pumping knees Liv then does a short spike hurricanrana. Vega 2nd rope meteora's Liv for 2. Liv hits three amigos and shimmies. Liv and Vega both go down.

Rey spinning headscissors Dom. Rey top rope la silla's Dom. Dom sunset flips him but Rey rolls through and kicks him. Rey asai moonsaults him for 2. Dom is tripped into the ropes. Dom blocks a 619 then Vega 619's Dom which should be a DQ. Rey top rope splashes Dom for 2. Liv breaks up the count and that should also be a DQ.

Vega 619's Liv. Liv throws a chair in then crotches Rey on the top rope. Dom top rope frog splashes Rey and wins.

Liv hugs Dom after and jumps on him. Liv pulls him down and teases kissing him.

Thoughts: You guys know how I felt about this. As always with these matches, the girls beat up the boys and nobody cares even though it should be a DQ. Meanwhile, the boys get cucked and don't even think about touching a girl.

Rhea Ripley then comes out. Liv runs away and Rhea stares down Dom. She picks him up by the chin. Dom wants to hug her and the show ends which sucked.

Overall thoughts: It was an easy to watch show. Nothing was great but nothing was bad either. WWE's continuing to fire on all cylinders here with Punk/Drew, Rhea/Dom/Liv and Kross/Woods. It was a good one and I liked this.

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